Meet @estitheesthetician

Thanks for stopping by!

My name is Esti!! Id love to be your new Esthetician!

First, my stats:

I have 12 years experience in the spa and beauty industry, as a make up artist and skin care specialist
I received my Esthiology Certification from the Aveda Institute of Arts and Sciences in Dallas with a curriculum based in holistic and Ayurvedic treatment,
I am licensed to practice through TDLR in Texas since 2021, and a insured member of the Association of Skin Care Professionals (ASCP)

Ive continued my education by getting specialty certified in several Medical-Spa modalities like derma-planing, chemical exfoliation, micro-needling, intense pulse light photo rejuvenation at The Texas Laser Institute

Ive taken the advanced ingredient science certification through The Concepts Institute of Esthetics, and organic cosmetic ingredient and formulation through Formula Botanica


Who am I really

I grew up between Oak Cliff, Dallas Tx and Mexico City,

Ive always loved make up and skincare and have been very proud to have made it my career,

what I have not been so happy with is the the current state of who has access to wellness services ,

Who is seeing themselves celebrated and invited to the table and who is not.

In my current practice as a esthetician I have adopted the idea of “decolonize wellness” as a north star in the work I am doing 

I think its important for me to explain exactly what I mean by that

In my experience so much of the wellness industry and social sphere is designed to appeal to the white, cis, able bodied, rich or privileged 

Pushing ideas that a lot of the time are highly capitalized, ablest, fat-phobic, non-inclusive and tone deaf to the needs of the culture, the practice they are appropriating comes from. 

As it relates to esthetics and my practice 

I want to hold space for people who throughout history experience draining trauma from being marginalized…. 

Like people of color, people of the trans or gender expansive experience, people who are disabled, who don’t have a lot of money…

Putting them at the forefront and not just an after thought,

Through what I know how to do. 

“you are of greatest service (to yourself and others) when you are rested, nourished, grounded, easeful, peaceful and connected to yourself” 

Is such a beautiful thought but, 

How many times do BIPOC get to know rest under capitalism?

How can we connect to ourselves and be at peace when we fear getting shot by police?

As a testament to our resilience,  we have always found ways to take care of ourselves 

In rituals and techniques that the wellness industry is built on, 

But as we know it today we have been erased 

How many South Asian yoga instructors  or Japanese reiki practitioners do you know? Probably not many….

But yet how many people are buying out Palo Santo but have no reverence towards the indigenous cultures that have been using it in sacred rituals for hundreds of years?? Or think limpias are weird but smudge their space…..

How many black people have to experience having their hair systemically policed by society for wearing ancestral hairstyles??

This is a problem, as it enables white supremacy.

I know that sounds harsh but its the truth 

I am very aware that I won’t fix any of these issues through moisturizer , extractions or properly exfoliating,

I really know that 

But I know touch is healing, I know safe spaces create energy and give comfort,

I know BIPOC and people on their gender affirming journeys have highly specialized needs, that are not addressed broadly enough…

Even if it is just he skin on your face looking nicer, if that can make you feel good about yourself, and help you celebrate your beauty more clearly, that is so powerful to me.

I don’t think of myself as a light worker or a healer or  an empath or anything like that…

I know myself to be someone with an enormous amount of solidarity for all to nurture the body they live in with care, look however they desire to look, and be happy in the skin they’re in….however I can help people get there is the center of my practice.

I know myself to be someone with the values and cultural competency to hold space for people who haven’t had the opportunity to feel comfortable in that space. 

And finally I think of myself as someone who is confident in their skill in esthetics to contribute to my community and as many people as I can reach with what I do through my practice.

Decolonize wellness has become a pillar in how I plan my moves in my career, 

“But Esti why are you making facials political?” 

my very existence a first generation, immigrant born, fat, differently abled, queer woman is political….that’s the only way I have existed.

if that feels so divisive to you I invite to ask yourself, why?

Im not interested in promoting the status quo of wellness values  

I very intentionally seek to be a part of the work going on right now to create new definitions of beauty and spaces to be well. 

If that seems political, I boldly accept that. 

I hope that resonated with you and cannot wait to meet you!

email me for your consultation today!
